With an experienced team at customs brokerage to check for documentation and customs compliance, our customers’ shipments can clear customs without much hassle. Our teams have been well trained in Customs Tariff Codes, Preferential Codes, Harmonized Codes, Dangerous Goods Classification, INCO Terms and declaration giving our customers confidence in ensuring their shipments gets delivered on time. UniStorage customs brokerage team works with import/export brokers to ensure that the necessary government declarations and security requirements are completed accurately and on time for your air, ocean or ground import and export freight shipments.

At UniStorage, our focus is to prepare compliant import transactions and maintain the highest level of integrity with all customs and other government agencies on the behalf of shipping customers. Our customs brokerage services provide seamless entries for all of our air, truck and ocean freight shipments:

  • Formal Customs Entries
  • Informal Customs Entries
  • Temporary Import Bond
  • In-Transit Bond


For further information about our products and services; or if you prefer to speak to our sales representative, please contact us